Monday, July 31, 2006


...and it's hot in Indiana. Humid and hot. We got the jump on it yesterday, shut the house up and turned on the air upstairs. It helped cool the whole house. Haven't had much energy with this heat. It is supposed to break about Thursday. My cat Violet has been coughing so I'm taking her to the vet after work. She won't like it but it has to be done. I have been asking Hilda if there are any puppies in there but she won't tell. We will know more the end of next month. Wow! tomorrow is next month. Summer sure flies by fast. We are almost fully enrolled for the preschool program. Soon we will be getting to know new families. Keeps the job interesting. That great guy Stan finally opened a Flickr account. You can see his pictures at check it out.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hilda's Wild Weekend

Well Hilda and Polar Bear had another date last Friday and they spent the weekend together. We picked her up Sunday afternoon and Polar's owner said the deed was done. That means if everything worked we will have puppies mid-September. Hilda is still chasing Bernie around the yard, once she gets started she's hard to stop.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hilda is the White German Shepherd

Hilda is seen here with Gus who is near her age. Yesterday Hilda went on her first blind date. We arranged for her to meet Polar Bear, a 5-6 yr old shepherd. She appears to be going into heat again and since Woka is gone we are trying to get a litter of Hilda's puppies. We want to keep one. Hilda seemed to enjoy the outing. Polar Bear's people were pleased that he was polite and not trying to rip her head off. He has some social issues. But Hilda was extremely hot and he couldn't resist.

When Hilda is ready to settle down to business we will take her back to Polar Bear. For now she will remain with Bernie who can let us know how close she is. When and if there are puppies you can see them here.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bang Bang Bang

Indiana has recently permitted fireworks that were formerly thought too dangerous to be bought by the general public. Funny when the right lobby gets their way what can happen. Personally I don't care if you want to take your hard earned money and blow your right arm off with it, more power to you. But do you have to do it until midnight in constant succession while I am trying to get some rest and my husband has to get up at 5:00 am. Everytime it became quiet it would begin again, bang, bang, bang. Did I mention that we live near a park. Someone decided to rent it and everyone who came had their own fireworks. They took turns setting them off.

My poor dog Bernie (mutt) cowered under the upstairs gazebo and Hilda (white German Shepherd) climbed to the top of the gate, tearing off a dew claw in the process. Stan had to leash her to the doorknob inside the bedroom. (She's started another heat and is messy.) For four days my poor dogs have been shivering while the bang bangs go off. Why the hell can't they all just go to the park and watch? Or take all their money and burn it in the backyard.

My friend Latin Rapunzel and daughter Dark Eyes came for dinner. Both my sons and families made it. My oldest grandgirl Cocky was otherwise engaged. When you are 13 you are often otherwise engaged. We had too much food and a lot of good conversation. Dark Eyes is getting hooked on my marble game. Stan framed the new window for the dining area. It is ready for the hole to be cut, I think, but then what the hell do I know. Thank you Ayreswoman for cooking the meat. The dessert was over the top big G and small S. Good brats Mark.

Today I am lunching with an old friend of many years, too many to count. We are going in her kickass Chevy Truck that is a convertible. Watch out the crazies will be loose.