Friday, August 25, 2006


Another summer is coming to an end. The kids are back in school. My grass needs rain and the flowers need watering. The tomatoes are red and sweet. Hilda is pregnant or she is doing a great impression. Lately she has been very needy. She wants to be petted and her ears scratched. She is still romping and barking for her rawhides. This will probably change when the pups get here. She will be busy feeding and cleaning them. It makes a dog mature to have puppies. We will miss our puppy Hilda but she will give us a replacement. Time has a way of growing things, flowers, tomatoes, puppies and children. How precious time is.

1 comment:

mariluna said...

yipee! puppies! saying goodbye to summer is always mixed for me because I love autumn so much but dread the winter.