Friday, September 01, 2006

I can't find mom.

My 93 year old aunt who hates doctors had to go to the hospital this week. She was having chest pains and a low pulse rate. Not only does she hate doctors she has dementia and remembers very selectively. Lately she has forgotten that her mother and father are dead and keeps asking where they are. Well I shouldn't say lately, this has been happening for years but not as frequently per visit. It might have happened 3 times during my visits, now it is over and over. It was worse while she was in the hospital. She is like a small child who wants her mommy and daddy. I tell her they are dead and she seems to believe me then in a minute she wonders where they are again. The doctor sent her home with prescriptions that she will fight against taking. I pity her caregivers. But I'm not arguing with her, she made it to 93. The doctor said her heart rate is slowing down and for someone more sane he might have tried a pacemaker but given her circumstances he opted for some pills and time. I really hope she can see her mom and dad soon. She is so alone and tired. I will really miss her. But then I have been missing her since the dementia set in.


mariluna said...

Dementia can be so heartbreaking. Your story put a lump in my throat.

sweet rose said...

Thanks for the comment. Hilda is getting bigger every day.