Friday, January 19, 2007

Even though I feel this is just going out into the blogosphere to float among other blogs and no one ever sees it, since I don't get comments, I am writing anyway. My meditation teacher would say that my ego is hurt and she would be right. I will let my conscience rule and write because I can. Who knows I might have something to say. Yesterday I went to a meeting with Mathew Flickstein who is getting funding to do a documentary for PBS about the world's religions. His premise is to show that even thought there are many religions in essence they all agree on the important stuff, or something like that. It was very refreshing to spend time with Matt. He was so honest and thoughtful. There was no pretense, no game playing. Very different from so many encounters. He gave us time to meditate and that evening I went to my yoga class which always ends with meditation. So yesterday I had two opportunities to be quiet. Today I noticed that it was easier to find a moment to be still and concentrate on my breath. It made me think about becoming more dedicated to daily meditation. I do it now but it consists of sitting in bed before going to sleep and I usually end it soon after I begin.

Yesterday was also my #3 grandgirl's birthday. She was bouncing around the house as usual. She liked the toy cell phone and outfit I gave her. After she played with it for a short time she asked, "Are there more presents?" What a kid. I think her birthday comes too close to Christmas.

1 comment:

sweet rose said...

Well good then tell Niki to leave a comment.