Friday, February 16, 2007

Cabin Fever

The weather has finally made me want spring really bad. I kind of wanted it before the cold came but I felt guilty wanting it because I thought it was warm already. Now I want it to warm up and I don’t feel a bit guilty. Hilda and Bernie are happier. (Our dogs) We have straw in their houses now and they seem quite content to sit there snuggled up and snoozing. I am getting really lonely for my grandgirls. We will have to have an overnite as soon as it warms up a bit.

The good thing about all this is that there is sun. Before it was cold it was gray a lot and rainy. We have many more sunny days now and even if it is below 0 at least it is sunny and bright. The other nice thing is that we were sent home from work Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. and didn’t have to return until Thursday a.m. Also we were paid for the time off. Now that was very nice. It gave me a glimpse into how retirement will be in the winter, unless we go south for a while.

My brother went south and likes to call me and rub it in on a weekly basis. He mentions things like he is in shorts and a tee shirt or it is going to 70 today. He said he felt trapped when the snow came because he couldn’t go home now until it melted. Poor baby!!

The forecast looks better for next week. Something about highs in the 30’s.

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