Thursday, June 07, 2007

Well the surprise party for my husband has been re-titled the reunion. That is fine because it really wasn't his birthday and it certainly was a reunion. I am so relieved that I don't have to hide things from him anymore. I didn't realize how hard that is for me to do. I really like to be open and honest and it was hard not telling the whole truth. He really enjoyed everyone being there and that was the plan. We have been having a lot of fun looking at the pictures on flicker. There used to be a cartoon in the paper that had a lot of kids in the family and they were always spread out in the picture with grandpa and the dog. That's what the pictures remind me of. We had two visiting golden retrievers too.

Family is a very special thing. The beginning unit of all socialization. It is very important to keep contact with your family of origin. As I watch other families interact which I often get the opportunity to do in my job. I am struck by the different ways parents show love to their kids. Some of the ways would be hard to recognize as love but that is what it is. Mom grabs the two year old and sets him on her lap as he screams in defiance. She lets him scream because she loves him. How will he learn discipline if he doesn't get the chance to experience consequences?

It is good to keep in contact with the family elders so you can learn about the beginning days and how it was then. How hard it was to make a living or walk that 5 miles in the snow to school. Stories are important to all of us. To feel the continuity and realize that someone cared enough to work hard to feed us and keep us on this earth. It is good for the elders to see the young ones struggling to raise their young and to watch the young ones play and laugh. Time is such a valuable thing and so hard to hold.


Sandy said...

yes, i agree!
family is indeed important to us, and thus we must treasure the moments with our loved ones.

but, my mom do not treasure that.i tried very hard to find out from her which days she's free so we can do some shopping together, and talk about things that we usually don't discuss.

she says that i need to focus on my studies as my 'determine-future-fate' exams are in October, so i need to prepare early.
i'm so so disppointed!

have you come across such situations before?

take care! (:

sweet rose said...

Your mom wants you to do well. Perhaps if you could show her that you had studied and wanted a break she would go shopping with you.

Sandy said...

hmmm, well, i agree.
but if i were to do that, school would have reopened.
my school vacation ends n the 25th June and now its about 10 days before that.


But i will try to understand her. thanks! =)
oh yes, my teeth does not hurt now, coz a dentist has placed some medicine in there, so there's no pain for the time being.

i would still have to undergo root canal treatment next year.


take care!
don't overexhaust yourself. =)
