Wednesday, August 27, 2008



Sunday, August 17, 2008

July Clouds


It is a sunny Sunday. Church was very nice today and so was breakfast with the bunch after. I always feel the August is a crazy month. It is more connected to the supernatural then October. There are more creative juices flowing this month. I can write better in August and my awareness level is higher. Even though my eyesight is blurry. I am not blurry other months not like in August. May be the way the sun is cast, it seems so bright this month. The nights here are cool and sleep laden. It is almost like a sleep drug is in the air. The zircada make a monotonous sound that soothes me to sleep. The breeze is steady and brings laziness. School starts tomorrow so the streets will be quieter through the daytime. Children will be put back into school clothes and homework.

This is the climate for just being. For resting in a hammock or a lawn chair and looking at the blue sky and white clouds. Clouds are also more shaped and intense in August. One year I am going to take a photo each week to show how the green changes in the leaves. This is the first year that our oaks don't have brown leaves in amongst the green. It must be all the rain. Watching how the sun changes the leaves throughout the day is also worthwhile. Many people see this as wasting time but it is awareness of time. It is time to value the time there is.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My sister

Laughing Eyes

This was going to be a long blah on my recent activities but I changed my mind. I can do that. I was 46 before I became aware of that fact. Before that I thought I had to stick to whatever decision I made but all that did was cause me to avoid decisions then blame my husband for the way things turned out. I have since given up both. Sticking to decisions and my first husband. I have a second husband and so far that decision is one I want to stick with.

Last week we had a funeral service for my sister who died in March. She suffered from MS and eventually was weakened by pneumonia and died. She was 5 years my junior and I can't help thinking about how it could have been me . It is a mystery why some people suffer so much and others don't. Take that back, I suffer watching others suffer. It isn't the same thing, I know, but I seem to be given that lot. I once read about how some people are sensitive and I definitely qualify as a sensitive. When someone describes surgery I feel the pain and I don't mean figuratively. I feel it.

Alice, my sister, was a lovely person with laughing eyes. Even when she couldn't move anything but her face and mouth she had those eyes. Her son has them too and maybe her granddaughter. I reserve judgement until she is at least a year. When Alice was young and working she must have been a flirt. She had dimples and a natural beauty, dark lashes and brows. Dark curly hair and of course, dark laughing eyes. She wasn't as tall as myself or Phyllis, my other sister. She was smaller all around. When she met Vin. that was it. No turning back wedding bells were gonna ring. He caused a stir because my dad had always been against marrying outside the race and he wasn't even German. But he was ok with Vin and who couldn't be? He was such a fair, non-violent, pleasant man.

So many years have passed, so many things have happened. Alice leaves behind Vin, Ben, Kisha and Lisa. Some thinks she left before Lily so she could help prepare her coming. If Lily keeps those laughing eyes, I will have trouble believing otherwise.