Sunday, February 08, 2009

Haircuts and greed

Well today I gave 4 haircuts. Mark and fam were here and were they hairy. Mark was the worst. He has very thick hair and he had let it grow. Cocky is as bad only her hair is longer and doesn't need the clippers. Curly only needed the bangs done. She is so sweet. She played with Charley and other than asking to let Gretchen in over and over was great. The sweater I made for Cocky went to mom. It fit her better so it is back to making a sweater for Cocky.

I got a new comforter for our bed Friday and I love it. I was thinking about all the entertainment if gave me before it arrived. It took a week to get here and everyday I expected it. So each day I had something to look forward too and then at 7:00 pm when I was sure it wouldn't be today I could be disappointed. This went on until Thursday when I read the part in the shipping notice that said it wouldn't come till Friday. When it wasn't here by 5:30 Friday I was ready to be depressed. But it showed up a little after 6. Now look at all the fun it gave me even before it got here.

I thought about this and I think that is a big part of getting something new. It isn't having the thing so much as finding it in the store or on line. Waiting for it to arrive etc. After it is there a week you forget it is new and think about the next purchase if you haven't bought something else already. This may be a blessing with the economy turndown. We may learn to treasure more what we have and buy less. Buddhists say that this is greed, always needing more. That it is one of the obstacles to connecting with our deeper spiritual aspirations. Perhaps we can take a lesson from nature and find the simplicity there. Maybe we too can live a more simple life.


Sandy said...

I really do agree with you Ms Rose! Simplicity is just such a beauty to be treasured always!

sweet rose said...

Thank you Shiyi.