Thursday, April 23, 2009

Getting old

Well it's time to write again. I thought I would write endless drivel when I retired. I would have lots of time right? Well that is a myth. I continue to write drivel but only sparsely, not endlessly. There seems to be time to do much of what I choose to do but there is plenty of that. Sometimes I do what is required of me but I try to keep that to a minimum.

The weather is warming and I will be outdoors more. My recumbent bike has been serviced and it is like a new one. It is a pleasure to ride. The garden needs work and the yard. My 3 german shepherds need excersize so there you go more stuff I want to do. The pups are over a year now and they find plenty of ways to exercise in the kennel. There is a ramp they run on with one up and one on the ground nipping at the others heels. They take turns on who is up. The white pup is very long and tall. She likes to leap through the air. Charlie the black and tan tends to be more solid and prefers charging ahead to leaping.

Life is settling down. We are still grieving out bishop and I the family members who have died the past year plus others who have died in the past. I think that is part of getting older. If you don't die someone you love does. But it is like the next place everyone goes so it might be ok. It might not, we just don't know.

Well the s--- is hitting the fan on this waterboarding thing. I think it is fascinating. Cheney keeps poking his head out of his underground hole and trying to tear down Obama. Cheney is such a prick. He has a new book out with a very apropo title "Dick". We think he is trying to gain support from his cronies forr when the spotlight gets turned on him. That lying Condeleeza is finally getting noticed for her part in it. Anyone who takes 15 sentences to answer a simple yes or no question has to be an accomplished liar and truth evader. But I judge.

Have a lovely day today, it is supposed to be one. Enjoy this day and be aware of it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Petals in the Wind

They left me
Dropped like petals from a flower
A colorful flower bright with warmth and love
A safe and nourishing plant.

They fell one by one
Some said goodbye.
But all left.
Crying, lost, alone.

A child again
Unsafe, unsure, alone.
She said we can’t stay
The earth would be too crowded.

Each petal left a special scent
A gift for me to keep
Each taught a lesson
A craft, a skill.

But they are gone
Blown away by the wind.
And I am here
So very much alone.

Rose Schamberg

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Bishop Skip

Recently our church community was shocked to learn that our bishop was gone. He suffered a stroke and died the same day. He was loved by everyone and we all went to him when we were troubled. He was 64. Tonight there is a special service for our community and the funeral is tomorrow. My initial reaction was one of joy for him. He wouldn't have to suffer the indignities of old age or the pain of a lingering illness. He was unconscious for most of it. He had done a lot of good and God saw that it was enough. Then my Big Guy pointed out that it might not be a good idea to present all these cheerful opinions to those who were still grieving. I wasn't home at the time(away on a trip) so I wasn't in the thick of it. He had just finished counseling a weeping church lady. So I reflected and realized I was afrain to grieve, afraid because everyone has died, my parents, his, my ex spouse, his, my ex sister-in-law, my aunts, uncles, sister, his brother. It was just too painful to start all that again. It would be easier to skip to the acceptance part. But it don't work like that. I'm sure more will come up tonight at the service. I was able to shed some tears when I wrote about him and again when I read the obituary he had written for himself. He was such an intelligent witty guy. I will miss hime.