Sunday, March 07, 2010

Wow I got 4 comments on the last blog!!! I have been waiting for more when I realized I needed to write another blog. There is only so much you can say about a blog then you need a new one.

My dog Charley has been faced with a new challenge. We tried to take all 3 german shepherds to the park this week and learned that Charley my faithful obedient male has reached puberty. Boy has he reached it. We are no longer able to penetrate his frequency. He does what he damn well pleases. He isn't a small dog and I don't like to take him on a leash because I often come away with a nearly dislocated arm. So I bought a new torture lead for him. He is not harmed by it, he just thinks it needs to come off. The lead goes around his nose and is pulled from below, so when he tried to pull away it is tightened around his snout. He really hates that and is learning quick that if he doesn't pull away it won't tighten. However, every so often he just goes bezerk and tries to get it off. If you scroll down you can see Charley.

Sunshine is here. After a long cold dark winter SUNSHINE IS HERE!!!! It has been here off and on since Monday. It is so wonderful. It was 45 and warm yesterday. We will probably get heat prostration when it hits 70. I have been digging bush roots. It is very muddy on the shoes but easier to get the roots out. Once upon a time someone decided to plant not one but two rows of bushes along the property line. I want this spot for an early garden. Since we added the potting shed(pictures on we have a secluded spot in the sun. I have decided to move the lilac in the middle of the yard which will be more digging. I have set a goal of 1 bush a day.

Well I'm off to enjoy the SUNSHINE!!!

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