Friday, December 08, 2006


This morning I had the pleasure of attending a talk on diversity and culture. I use the word pleasure loosely. It was a mandatory pleasure ordered by those in command and I had no choice in the matter. I have come to the conclusion following this illuminating workshop that culture is not putting your little finger out when you drink tea. Yet in a way it is. Culture is what happens to you when you are born into a particular family, in a particular country and you are of a particular race and gender. More or less.

Enough of that. I am looking forward to the weekend. It is late Friday afternoon and I will be getting the weekend started at about 5:30 p.m. That is if all the parents get their kids on time. I think I'll kidnap my two younger grand girls for an overnight on Saturday. The youngest wants to come to my house. She is so earnest in her request that I have to agree.

We survived the snoopy auditors this week. They have returned to wherever snoopy auditors hang out and left us to refile our folders and sigh in relief. But it won't last long next week is our winter fest. That will be less stressful and more fun but time consuming nevertheless.

I have one more gift and I will be finished with Christmas Shopping. Every year I say I am going to start giving donations to charity instead of gifts because others need it more than my family and every year I buy my family gifts. It just seems silly to find people things they already have or don't want when there are people who have nothing and really need it. Oh well 'tis the season.

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