Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Enough Already

This morning I was listening to the Diane Ream show on NPR and someone called in and said that the President was Commander in name only and that over 50% of Americans were against the war in Iraq. So why the hell don't we do something. Why do we sit and moan let's start shouting. Let's end the killing and maiming and weeping and mourning. Enough already. If you want the war to stop do something, write your congressman or demonstrate. It is costing billions of dollars of your tax money and we are becoming indebted to other nations. They want to send more troops for their surge. All they are doing is sending more targets. Enough already.

1 comment:

JScoby said...

Hi Rose,
This is Jesús Escobedo.
It's late date I guess to respond to your post, but I just know noticed it.
Last week, listening to Michael Savage on the radio, he pointed out that even if the U.S. forces left Iraq en masse today, it would not mean the end of the war on terrorism. U.S. troops, sooner or later, may still have to engage the enemy somewhere. I agree with you, "enough already", but our boys would still have to protect us from this new enemy. I think fighting the terrorists will have to be pre-emptive sometimes; we need to keep them on the run. It seems to me it may be best to continue to help the Iraqis build a secure Iraq, then the U.S. should pull out. Iraq, however, will be like Israel. Israel is a democracy (or perhaps a social democracy), but they still battle terrorism everyday.
One last thing, Mr. Savage pointed out, and I think I agree, the war on terror actually began 12 or so years ago; it just wasn't called that at the time. Since the '80s radical Islamist groups have been trying to get at the U.S. The World Trade Center, as it were, was the last, though deadliest, in a series of attacks on the U.S.