Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Today was Grandparent's day at Cocky's school. She is a freshman this year and I was surprised that they did this sort of thing at such an advanced age. She was amused at me and herself and we had a good time. Her class that I was to accompany her to was gym. We did a puzzle instead of anything active. Guess they thought us old people can't move. Cocky told me to be quiet then dropped her purse on the floor with a loud plop. She cracked up. Later we had lunch at a small cozy diner. she ordered rhubarb pie for desert and I got a bite. It was yummy.

Young people always inspire hope. She has her life yet and I hope it is a good one. She is a good kid.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Raining in the Closet

First shower in the beautiful new shower. It was so nice but a little like standing in a closet with the rain coming down. It is so big. The tile are beautiful and the windows on the sides are cool too. They bring in more light. It is nice having the shelving inside. Now I have to go shopping for accessories. The other thing nice about the windows is I can peek at Big Guy when he is in there. Hey Big Guy thanks for getting the shower going before December and before Thanksgiving too.

Well the big turkey day is coming. Time to get together with family and stuff ourselves. What a strange custom but we do it every year. My son has invited us and NMD is coming also. I am taking a cranberry whipped cream and cream cheese thing that is sinful. It will be nice to see my youngest son's S.O. Haven't seen her in a long while, she works out of town now.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Church and muffins

Rows of kids it is the all school mass. My granddaughter Many Hats is doing the readings today and has invited me. So many kids the church is nearly full. There is a row with boys in red sweat jackets and one of them keeps turning to look at me and the people in my vicinity.

As I sit there I begin to remember how comforted I feel here. I have been attending a different church and this feel so like coming home. As I inhale that special scent Roman churches have. A smell that takes me to baptisms, weddings, funerals. To my first communion and my sister’s wedding. To mom’s funeral and Mark’s baptism. A feeling begins to ebb in. I want to stay here a while even though I am due back at work in an hour. All that history in a scent how magical is that?

But eventually I drag myself away and head for the Aspen Coffee shop. The teachers need a treat and so do I. Originally I planned on getting doughnuts but I remember that Aspen has Mill bread. So I get a loaf of California Raisin that turns out to be wonderful. I get a cranberry orange muffin and a dark roast. As I sip the coffee seated on a high stool I look out at the parking lot and watch an older woman enter the library branch. It is a gray morning with glimpses of sun. Could snow. I think of next month and how I can stay then. There will be no job to get back for. I can stay all day if I want. But that is next month and this is now. It is warm and pleasant here but I must move on and head back to work.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Antiques and Music

As I gazed out the window this morning I saw snowflakes. People were commenting that it was awful because it was snowing. But I was pleased. It has been trying to come and it is here at least today. The weather has been so changeable lately.

Last evening, Many Hats and I went to her guitar lesson. Her teacher said she has been practicing. She has found a guitar that fits her and wants to trade in her electric for it. She wanted the electric so bad last year. She is going to keep that guy in business. Together we devised a plan for obtaining her new guitar. She will need 150.00. She is going to tell 5 relatives that if they give her 30.00 in cash they can count that as her Christmas present. She really likes her music.

While I waited for her outside in my car I took a picture of an antique car. Probably from the 40’s and today I wonder about the connection to history. Yesterday I realized that my baby picture is 63 years old. That car is probably about that age. We had to bring in pictures of ourselves as babies and young children, I work in a pre school. People were supposed to guess whose picture was whose. That is an old picture.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


My shower is tiled!! My shower is TILED!!! The water isn't connected but the tile is in and it is beautiful. Thank you NMD. Also have the curved curtain rod up and the curtain. It is happening may be by Christmas the shower will be connected.

Weather has been warm but it is cooling down again tomorrow. Winter is still testing. Made reservations for a yoga getaway in Michigan for July. Next I'm trying to get a date to visit my Florida friend but so far no reply. She probably doesn't want to see me. Also want to go to Conneticutt in April but am waiting for a date there too. My crazy Columbian friend moved to Conneticutt this year and I miss her. That should be a wild trip, my friend Annie is accompanying me so it will be wild.

Weird, I began this with all thoughts of spiritual and insightful things and everything practical surfaced. What's up with that? Perhaps another blog.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Winter is testing to see
If she can come in.
She has her big toe in the leaves
And is touching the air
With a long finger.

Winter is testing to see
If the air is cool enough
And the trees are bare
Will it rain or snow
How soon can she move in?

Winter is testing to see
If the snowflakes will stay
Will ice form on the walk
Will the air steam from our lips
Then she will move in.

Winter is testing to see
How many of us complain and how many times
We talk as if there was a way to hold her back
She shakes her head and screams
As she moves in.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Almost quitten time

In 19 minutes it will be time to go home. Lately I have been having all these thoughts, like when I retire will 4:00 p.m. have the same meaning. Will I care when it is 5:00 a.m. or will I sleep through. Will I miss not seeing the same people every day 5 days a week. How silly is that? I will or not. I will deal. But it is my way of greiving the loss of the predictable and familiar.

I had a nice experience today. Drove to a small town about 40 miles NW of here that I used to spend time in. It was odd because a lot of downtown was the same. Same storefronts, different names. There were some new places on the main hwy passing through one side but overall it had not changed a lot in 10 years, except many houses needed paint. It was good to be there again.

It is blowing with a few snowflakes today. Won't be long there will be more. Well there goes 4:00.

Monday, November 05, 2007


Had a good weekend with the grandgirls. Many Hats and Curly spent Saturday nite and Curly spent Sunday. Many Hats went home early. She had shopping to do with the other GM. Curly was insistent that she would be spending the entire day with grandma. So she did. However she wanted to stay longer when I took her home at 5. We had a good time, feeding ducks and picking up pretty leaves, went to a nearby college that has many ducks and a neat pond. We took a long walk and found some hot chocolate after.

Stephanie’s imagination is working well, she said that her mother can fly and when her wings become invisible she floats. She was positive that ducks have diarrhea and that fish peed in the lake. (May be they do.) It is amazing what she can think.

Many Hats has been having grade problems again and her dad is freaking again. He keeps expecting more that she gives. She always takes a grading period to shift gears when she comes back from summer vacation. Cocky’s grades were all that hot either, she started a new school (freshman in high school). It takes time to adjust. But dad and mom want to freak.

Time is passing and I am counting days I think there are about 24 more working days until the end of working for the man. Then I will be working for ME. I plan to have a small party for a few people but none of that whole company s___. There are so many things my house needs before the party.

Started reading THE KITE RUNNER. It is good, wish I could spend the day with it but it will be in bits and drabs. Short week this week with a 5 day weekend. We get the 12th off also.