Thursday, May 22, 2008

Yoga and Politicos

Beautiful day!! I remarked to someone today that without the crappy days we have had we wouldn't appreciate days like today. It is so clear. Yoga class this a.m. Feel so relaxed.

Yesterday I was reminded of and old friend who moved away. Three people I worked with were invited for lunch and she would have been the fourth. She moved to far to come for lunch. Funny how you don't really value someone until they leave. Made rhubarb custard pie and it is gone, actually it was gone yesterday. I would make more pie but I'm so fat and I can't leave it alone.

Just saw the latest Paul Rudd video on the Huffington Post. Called "Right is Left." Good! It is interesting that Bush never angers me the way Condeleeza Rice does. It must be that he looks like an idiot but she doesn't and with all her education she still stands up there and lies and tries to convince us that what they are doing is alright. She must think the American People are dumber than Bush. Well if he's her guage then I get it.

My yoga teacher gave me an affirmation for my sore knees today. The action was to forgive others and not to judge. I will forgive her. Can't do the other.

My granddaughter Many Hats read the first reading at church this morning. She did a good job. She is growing up, when she walked down the side aisle with a grown woman they were the same height. The woman wasn't tall, average.

Tomorrow might be zoo day for me and Curly.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Winter flowers

My azelea that blooms indoors in December or January.

Blah blah

Did you know that Jenna Bush could have had a more open wedding but the President was afraid of security with the war and all. Who started the Iraq War? Poor guy bit himself in the ass again while totally screwing the rest of us.

This will be a ramble through the woods of my mind. This morning I visited my physical therapist and was given a series of wierd activities followed by an ultrasound on my knee and ice packs which are reeeally cold. Think I will bring a blanket next time. The sessions only cost the insurance 152.00 a visit, that is over 300.00 a wk. When the insurance runs out I get to pay. I will be healed by then, I'm sure.

Today I plan to finish the mopboard so we can move in the furniture tomorrow. It will be so nice, then I can clean the porch. Oh my God! the sun just came out. What a lovely sight!

Yes, Shiyh, I was talking about you in the last post. As if you didn't know. I am really sorry for all the people who lost loved ones in the China Earthquake. Those poor parents who lost there only child, which will be many, since one is all you get in China.

How strange not to have a sibling, I had 6. This is always a frustration for my husband. He doesn't like to argue and I think it is part of a conversation. It always was when I was growing up. With 6 sibs you never get total agreement, not to mention my father who loved to get me going.

I'm off to clean whatever's dirty. Have a major glorius day!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Squash and floors

I'm back. I have spent the last couple of days on my floor. I'm not sick I was refinishing it along with my nephew's help. He did the hard part, sanding, and I did part of the edging and polyurethaning. It is done, hooray!! All I need to do is wax it. It looks great. That means the furniture can move back in tomorrow and I can have the front porch back.

Today was the first visit to the physical therapist. I enjoyed it and have hope that my knee will improve. My knee has bothered me since January. The other knee is having problems too, but not as bad. I have to go two times a week and work out at home in between. Also need to ice it down several times a day. It is good to know what to do.

Many Hats came for supper after her guitar lesson. She only got apple sauce and squash because the pork roast wasn't done. I started the roast before I left to take Many to her lesson but when I got back the oven was off. There was a timer set that shut it off. So dinner was late. She borrowed a Willie Nelson CD, she wanted to hear "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain". She can play it.

My friend in China reports that she is in Singapore and wasn't affected by the quake. I am glad to hear this. I would miss hearing her comments.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Primary Day

Well myself and Big Guy went to the polls today. It was crowded at 8:30 but probably at other times. Sometimes I wonder if it matters who you vote for. The big power that runs things seems to be able to get what they want regardless.

Today was a lovely day, warm, sunny and just the right breeze. I got a lot done, including buying 200 lb of dogfood. Big Guy looked dizzy when I told him but PetCo has a deal if you buy 200 lb they give you 10% off which equal a free bag of dogfood. We will use it. I also made the best potato pancakes ever for supper. Now I'm beat.

Well tomorrow we'll hear who got Indiana and who got N.C. I almost don't know which one I want. They are so alike, saying what they think we want to hear. One is young and green and the other is experienced and tough. Both of them are politicians. I had a relative who was asked to run for a political seat once and his dad told him that he wouldn't be able to stay an honest man so he declined. I don't know if that's true but I can see how hard it would be to maintain your values with people trying to compromise them all the time. I thought about getting involved until I thought about all the meetings I would need to attend, I hate meetings that last any longer than a half hour. Just talking to people all the time would wear me out.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Gray Sky

GRAY SKY (8-9-95)

A lone bird breaks the monotony
Soaring high, wings outstretched
Appearing black against the white gray.
Rain water clings to the porch rails
Drips from the leaves in crystal pearls
Slowly forming -- falling intermittently.
A breeze carries the cool moist air
Softly caressing my body
A dog sleeps nearby
After giving up gnawing the fleas.
The dark gray horizon is misty
More rain?
Overhead five birds
Fly across a patch of blue.

Friday, May 02, 2008

stormy day

Rain, thunder and lightening. Lazy day but I worked hard. I am sitting now because my feet hurt. I was all settled into my pc when Charley, the black puppy walked in from the porch with a full vacuum bag in his mouth. I removed it, when he was outdoors, and forgot to get rid of it. He had two bites of dust and hair before I stopped him. I put him out along with the other 3 and fed them. Then I had to vacuum the mess and finish my soup which smells super. So my feet hurt.

I bought a new toy, an ipod speaker station or whatever they're called. I love it but will probably need to download more stuff because this will get old, same old songs. Just bought the new Carly Simon album from itunes today. It is nice. Mama dog, Hilda, has been in all day, not only is she in heat but she is afraid of storms. She is funny, I tell her to go upstairs where she can get out and she goes half-way up the stairs and comes down slinking into the corner. Someone told me when german shepherds get older they act like a teenager. Up till then they did what you said but now they think they are smarter than you sometimes.

Well once again, other than Ravi, I feel like I am writing to no one. If you are out there let me know. I know I haven't been consistent lately but will try to change that.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

HIDDEN GEM(6-28-98)

I wanted to look good
To show that I could speak to him
With diplomacy and just this once
Avoid a fight.
Or as it happened, looking bad
I gave in and admitted my mistake
Agreed that I wasn’t as good,
That he knew more.
What is it that keeps me
Locked in this pattern?
Always feeling he knows more
Or that I know less and am less.
Each time I think I have it in control
I sabotage myself, I disrespect me
My power, intellect and strength
I shoot myself, no one else does
What can I do to realize
What a gem I really am?

Sweet Rose