Friday, May 02, 2008

stormy day

Rain, thunder and lightening. Lazy day but I worked hard. I am sitting now because my feet hurt. I was all settled into my pc when Charley, the black puppy walked in from the porch with a full vacuum bag in his mouth. I removed it, when he was outdoors, and forgot to get rid of it. He had two bites of dust and hair before I stopped him. I put him out along with the other 3 and fed them. Then I had to vacuum the mess and finish my soup which smells super. So my feet hurt.

I bought a new toy, an ipod speaker station or whatever they're called. I love it but will probably need to download more stuff because this will get old, same old songs. Just bought the new Carly Simon album from itunes today. It is nice. Mama dog, Hilda, has been in all day, not only is she in heat but she is afraid of storms. She is funny, I tell her to go upstairs where she can get out and she goes half-way up the stairs and comes down slinking into the corner. Someone told me when german shepherds get older they act like a teenager. Up till then they did what you said but now they think they are smarter than you sometimes.

Well once again, other than Ravi, I feel like I am writing to no one. If you are out there let me know. I know I haven't been consistent lately but will try to change that.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Well Ms Rose you will never be writing to no one. I will always be reading your entries, just that I had been too busy with school so i apologize for that. do take care and rest your feet whenever you can. Glad you love what you bought. Lie down, relax and enjoy some soft music to your ears together with the arrival of spring! :D