Sunday, November 30, 2008


No words

I am thankful for Curly. She and I were resting after the big T-day dinner. "Tell me a story Grandma," she said. "I always tell the stories you tell me one."

"I don't know the words," she said. "You don't?" I asked. "No, I know Little Red Riding Hood went through the woods to grandma's house, but I don't know the words." she said with a crestfallen look.

"Why not?" I asked. "Because when I saw the video Dad had it on mute." Curly said.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nature's beauty


Next week we eat too much. I guess that represents that we have plenty. This year not so much. Too many don't have jobs and very little money. The poor big three automakers are crying cause they messed up. They want the people who have poor paying jobs to help them out. Of course the CEO's still fly in on their personal jets. They keep saying we should help so the autoworker can keep his job, or do they just want him working so he can help pay for the bailout? What a mess money makes. Maybe we should do away with it.

The thought behind this was to be negative but positive. I wanted to express my gratitude for what I have. I have two very fine sons and two fine daughter-in-laws. Three lovely grandgirls who are move precious than platinum because they are priceless. My sweet wonderful Big Guy who is the best guy in the whole world. Four crazy dogs who are always happy to see me.

I live in a house that was built larger and better by Big Guy. I got to finish and decorate and it is becoming a showplace. Well at least I show it to everyone who stops by. I have a stove that is warm and has a friendly fire. I have a cat who meows at me and wants to be petted at odd times. I have enough to eat and a place to workout. I have a recumbent bike, a Honda Civic, use of a Chevy Truck, a walk-in closet/sewing room, and all the time I need. Life is good.

Every day is new and unfolding its wonders. Behind the haze is a glowing sun. The snowflakes are soft and white and the ice has many patterns. Nature has so many lovely things to admire and explore. There has to be a God somewhere. The trees have relinquished their leaves and the landscape has become black and white with a touch of brown and a little green. Next month winter begins. Even winter has its charm like cozying up to a dancing fire or walking through the newly fallen snow. I am thankful for life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Camper and a penguin

What a difference a day makes. My intelligent son pointed out to me how something can be expensive, like gas, but if you have to spend money for a new car or camper it can be cheaper to buy the gas. I was all crazy about buying a new camper that would tow with a smaller vehicle. That would mean trading a vehicle and paying over 8000.00 for a like new camper. I think I'll spring for a new water heater and keep the camper I have. For 1000.00 I could spruce it up alot.

Weather here is gray and glum. It rains enough to look wet but not enough to help the grass seed I planted. It is warmer that is a good thing.

I bought a penguin today. A child's stuffed penguin who looks like he was in "Happy Feet". I saw "Happy Feet" the first time at my sister's in Houston. She has died since then and this will be the first Christmas I can't call and wish her Merry Christmas so I bought the penguin. It was a blessing for her to leave this life. She was paralized with no hope of any recovery. I like to think of her as free and able to use all her limbs again. Maybe she will slip in for my Christmas Eve.

Well I think I will start planning on how I am going to decorate the camper. I could clean it too. I know that is a bit over the top but I just might.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

New and old

This has been a great week. We have a new president who can't wait to get started. He is already working and he doesn't have to work until January. He will be a good president and accomplish much.

The weather has turned cooler and I have been using my new pellet stove. It is amazing. It stops if it isn't getting fuel. It shuts off if it gets too hot. It burns a hot fire with very little fuel. It is great.

Leaves keep falling and I keep raking. Michigan Dude has blown a lot of them to the curb from the backyard and I have been raking the front. Some of the oak leaves don't fall until the new buds come on in the spring. The colors have been lovely. I will add a picture of some of the beauty.

We are progressing on our house. Soon will have the upstairs windows in and the cracks around them sealed. The big windows are in but there are two little side windows that blow cold air because there are cracks around them. The down bath is still bare. Big Guy cleaned it out and tore out the floor. His progress since has been limited due to other projects but I think he is about to refocus his efforts on the bath. It will be wonderful when it is finished.

Life is becoming more fun. I have adjusted to staying home and doing what needs to be done here then finding things I want to do. Some days I have to remind myself that I am retired and can play all day if I want. Days are interesting and I am surprised when I look at the clock instead of thinking the day will never end, I think is it that late already?

Lately I have been mourning the death of my Aunt Catherine. She died at age 95 this year and my sister Alice died a few months prior. They were both severly debilitated and I welcomed their deaths for their sakes. But now I miss my aunt when I was younger and she was at herself. She was my counsel and my listener. I can't stop by her house because it has been sold. I can drive by and I do often. But she is gone and I can only imagine what she would say and how our time together would be. I also realize that I haven't been able to mourn her until now. May be because I feared it would hurt too much.