Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Camper and a penguin

What a difference a day makes. My intelligent son pointed out to me how something can be expensive, like gas, but if you have to spend money for a new car or camper it can be cheaper to buy the gas. I was all crazy about buying a new camper that would tow with a smaller vehicle. That would mean trading a vehicle and paying over 8000.00 for a like new camper. I think I'll spring for a new water heater and keep the camper I have. For 1000.00 I could spruce it up alot.

Weather here is gray and glum. It rains enough to look wet but not enough to help the grass seed I planted. It is warmer that is a good thing.

I bought a penguin today. A child's stuffed penguin who looks like he was in "Happy Feet". I saw "Happy Feet" the first time at my sister's in Houston. She has died since then and this will be the first Christmas I can't call and wish her Merry Christmas so I bought the penguin. It was a blessing for her to leave this life. She was paralized with no hope of any recovery. I like to think of her as free and able to use all her limbs again. Maybe she will slip in for my Christmas Eve.

Well I think I will start planning on how I am going to decorate the camper. I could clean it too. I know that is a bit over the top but I just might.

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