Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lazy after lunch
Fed by food and talk with friends
Relaxing I watch as
My male shepherd poke around
Gray blue skies and naked trees
Framed by bay windows.

A memory stops by
Grandma's couch and Aunt Catherine
She reads the funnies
To me and my sister
Her voice expressive
Her words sure.

A yearning swells in my chest
For the softness I felt
Sitting near her
Loved, sheltered, warm and lazy
No one pushing me
Free to enter the make believe.

Rose Schamberg

In memory of my Aunt Catherine who died this year. I am grateful that the memories are beginning to surface. This is something recent as she died in June.


nopham said...

Sweet memories. Love your Blog. Keep writing.

Sandy said...

i'm glad you spent a typical sunday afternoon this way! life must be very great for you ms Rose! these are classic treasures! Someday i hope i can lead a life like yours, reading, going for walks, a simple, yet enriching life!