Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Living like Charley

Well here we are another day after Christmas. Somehow I always like today. The glitter and gleam have quieted and life can return to as normal as it gets. The year is ending for good or evil and a new one looms ahead. Days will begin to lengthen and the sun will shine more and it will be spring after all the snow falls and the ice freezes.

What we do with each minute of everyday will determine how life will unfold. Will it be dark or bright. We have the choice in how we perceive each moment. If we look for sadness and unrest we will find it as sure as we will find possibilities and hope. My life has had the opportunity lately to be one of anger and unrest, also sadness and self pity. This has been an unusual and peaceful Christmas because I decided it would be blessed instead of cursed. I found joy and peace this Christmas and my loyal friend and I felt close because of the unpleasantness.

I try to pattern my behavior after my German Shepherd, Charley. Charley is always so happy to see me and when I pet him he falls against me and lies on my feet. If I scold him for something he lowers his head and his ears and slinks off. But if I call him he is right there happy to see me again. No resentment or anger just living in the moment and forgetting the past. Life is so much better when I can live it like Charley.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Commercial Christmas

Do you ever wonder why people buy into this Christmas spending year after year. It has to be done by Christmas so there starts the stress. You have to buy the right gift so the person who gets it will be pleased, more stress. You have to go out with other poor souls some of whom are coughing and sneezing, germs, more stress. When you are all done and Christmas is past, your credit card bill comes, more stress. Why do we continue year after year to stress ourselves over such a silly custom? Are we afraid to offend or afraid we won't be loved. How ridiculous, if someone loves you they aren't going to stop because you gave them a gift card or donated to a worthwhile charity in their name.

There are those who need things far worse than the guy you are buying for who probably will hide the gift in the attic and forget who gave it to him. A few years ago I gave money to an acquaintance with cancer because she was unemployed and needed it. I told my daughter-in-law that her gift had gone for this reason. She was pleased and interested in what happened. Later the girl died in Las Vegas but she had a good time on her trip and up until the last. She was able to make the trip a long time dream. Being part of her adventure was remembered more than a pj's or a dvd.

I have decided to give more time to the people who really matter to me throughout the year and less at Christmas. They will get use to it or not.

With One Voice

Life is always giving me a different direction. I go along thinking I know where I am going or better yet where I am, only to find out I haven't got a clue. I was comforted to learn that when you can say I don't know it only means that you have an open mind and more to find out.

I was fortunate this week in being able to see a new documentary by Mat and Carol Flickstein called, "With One Voice". Many spiritual teachers of many differing faiths were interviewed in a free form style. No leading questions other than the topic. Each teacher was given the option to discuss spirituality as it pertains to religion for about 90 minutes. They talked about their own spiritual experiences and about how religion and spirituality differ. Also addressed was how peace and conflict can exist together without starting war. Then the editor cut things down to the best of all in about a 78 min film. It was so intense regarding thought provocation that I have to buy it so I can slow it down and absorb it better. After the film I had a hard time referring to different teachers or being able to put the teacher with the teaching, despite my efforts to remember who said what during the film.

It was a good documentary because I wanted to see it again as did some of my friends who were present. Many answers and many questions still remain. I am awed by the teachers who spend their lives looking for answers.