Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Free Country?

It is going to be a lovely day. I went to vote this morning and have no idea who I voted for. They asked me to pick a party so I did and they gave me a green paper to give to the judge. This little old guy said he was the judge and he took the paper and put something in the machine then he said I could vote. The reason I showed up was to vote for the mayor and the mayor wasn't even on the ballot. So I voted for the council members and some other offices and left. Later I learned this was the primary and I could vote again in the fall. I am glad because if picking your party meant picking the mayor I might have chosen the wrong one.

Our town wants to spend a lot of money on a downtown ball stadium and hotel and shoppping center. It seems strange that we need a baseball diamond when we have one that they give away free tickets to get the benches filled. We have been paying extra sales tax for that for years and now they want to build another one. They had a meeting where people could talk about it and they booked a lot of people to speak for it with very few against it. Sometimes I wonder if they didn't forget to schedule the people against it. The other wonderful idea is to spend millions on remodeling schools and of course raising property taxes. Soon we will have empty houses because people won't be able to afford living here. I'm sure everyone was in favor of that idea too.


Sandy said...

hmmm.. well, do you need to buy the baseball diamond?
or is just for you as a keepsake?

anyway, happy mother's day the day after tomorrow! (according to your time) You must be a terrific Mom!
people alwyas says, only love from MOM is the most pure, true, and everlasting.

In behalf of your grown up children i thank you for all your contributions throughout their lives!

Sandy said...

i can only work hard during the june vacation coming up, for 5 months before i will be sitting for the major 'promote to high school' exam. if i don;t pass this crucial exam, there's nothing i can do. my future will be ruined. that's how serious this exam is. my chinese major exam will be next MOnday. so now i am working hard. :D yes, i know. thanks so much. i can only hope he will rest well, but he has given up hope now. May God Bless hime forever.