Thursday, July 26, 2007


What is going on with our culture? Why is it ok for mortgage companies to screw people? A friend told me she had to refinance her home due to circumstances that required more money. To do so she had to take out a loan with a variable mortgage and as far as I know that means the rate of interest on the loan keeps changing and that means the interest rate increases. In her case it has increased beyond practicality. Her husband has recently found a job but was unemployed all winter. She is considering opening a small business to help pay her house payment. She has children that need her and don't need her taking all her time away from them. If mortgage companies were on the up and up they would tell people that they can't refinance instead of leading them down the high interest path. Would that we follow the path the Buddhists advise. Do not take anything that is not your own. Be honest and treat others with respect. Christians have that approach too but they also have learned to rationalize whatever approach they decide to take.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Yesterday you could feel the air drying out. It was humid all day and about 7:00 p.m. it really started to cool and dry. It is funny how much better I feel when the weather changes so fast. I have a lot more energy but I must think too fast then my mouth gets in on the act and its all over. This morning I really did it. Told Big Guy what I thought before I thought and he was out the door fast. Sometimes it is better to talk to yourself, especially when you haven't woke up. Well he might come home tonight. He did respond to an email in a positive way so there is hope.

Did you see the little house on Yahoo today. It wasn't as big as a parking space and this woman lived in it. She had to shower at work or a friend's but it had a toilet. She said her utility bill ran 6.00 a month and that was for propane. There was a solar panel on the roof. She slept upstairs in a loft with a skylight. She could look at the stars at night. That would be cool. It was very cottagey looking and was very nice inside, mostly polyurethaned plywood.

As I plan for my retirement I must remember how important today is. Rushing to December will only leave me without the precious days leading up to it. My friend Kim wants to take a yoga retreat with me. This will be fun if I can find one I can afford. I want to take a writing class and a drawing class. I will probably volunteer a little and travel. Then the little grandgirl will have to come over and help me make cookies. My sister-in-law and I may open a little shop and sell her jewelry and my scrub and oils. I will need a vacation from retirement before long. But back to this lovely, cool, sun-kissed day. The breeze is soft with a touch of late September. I will enjoy here.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Curly picking

Bean Picking

Nice weekend. Curly and Many Hats stayed over Friday night then went with me to my brother's to pick green beans on Saturday morning. Barb, my sister-in-law, took special interest in Curly because she was such a good bean picker. She suggested that Curly stay and pick beans the following week. When we returned to my house and were having lunch, conversation turned to the morning events and I commented on what a good job Curly did and how Barb really liked it. Curly looked at me with a very serious expression and said "Yeah, she wanted to keep me." We also got some kick ass sweet corn that was superdelicious. My brother has a large pond in the center of the spread. Many Hats jumped in and enticed Hilda into the deep. Hilda is a edge swimmer, likes to feel the bottom. She swam out to keep an eye on Many Hats though despite her trepidation. She is a good dog.

Watched a good movie with Big Guy, Saturday night. "The Pursuit of Happyness" with Will and Jadin Smith. It dragged a little but only because I wanted things to improve for them. If you have kids or even if you don't it is a must see.

I heard from Mariluna the last post and I am very happy. No one comments on my blog anymore, Big Guy said it because it is very hard to do since I changed to Google. I wish I had stayed with the original. Does anyone know how I can get a blog that is easier to comment on?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

From under the manure pile.

How long are we, the American people, going to sit still for all the bullshit the administration keeps shoveling at us. Yes, yes, I know another tirade is building, building hell it is boiling over. We sit and whimper, whine and groan. When in the hell are we going to get up and do something, anything, even if it's wrong. This president is the worst f--- up ever. And what do we do? We watch him f--- up some more. That is not only criminal it is abusive. The poor guy is like a fly in a spider web. He don't know didley and he wouldn't if he met him. We need to kick him and all his corporate buddies out. People say we would have Nancy Pelosi if he and Cheney resigned and that would be awful. Well, how much worse could she be? Terrible would be an improvement.

Okay, I'm done. I don't feel much better but maybe a little. For a long time I thought I was missing something and Bush was really doing a better job that it appeared. I don't think so anymore. What you see is what you get.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Two more hours actually 1 hour and 56 minutes until I go home. This has been a long and boring day. It may rain tonight and I would really like that. If it rained when we needed it we wouldn't appreciate it near as much. I have joined NetFlix today and am waiting for the first movie to arrive. I really am tired of the movies on HBO, I've seen most of them many times. This looks like it will work out but I have a two week trial to find out.

Big Guy has a bad upper respiratory infection or broncitis. He sounds awful in the middle of the night trying to cough, hope it is looser tonight. I may sleep on the couch where it is quieter. Cocky and my oldest have colds now too. It is becoming an epidemic.

I have cleaned and rearranged the front porch, we have many, I think I will do a week where we eat in a different porch or eating area every night and see how many nights we come up with. There is the front porch, the back porch, the picnic table, the gazebo, the dining room and the kitchen. That would almost take a week. Wow a whole week not eating dinner in front of the TV. What a concept! But back to cleaning the front porch. After rearranging it I find there is more room and it is quite cozy. In the evening I like sitting out there because I can't hear the TV. It is quiet except for the circada and the traffic. The light is low and coolness is returning. A candle would be nice, I will get one. Hilda joins me when she can or Violet(cat).

Well I am already planning a vacation for next year, two actually. I want to go to Florida to see my old friend again and back to Quachita State Park in Hot Springs. I think if the g-girls can pay for their tickets we will fly to Fla. Big guy and I will drive to Ark. That should be all I can afford, but it gives me something to look forward too. Looking forward keeps it interesting.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Many Hats

Day off

How swiftly flee the hours when you are taking a day off. Here it is bedtime already and I just went for my morning bike ride, or so it seems. If employers would let employees do their job the way they saw fit and when, it would be a much shorter work week. Had a fun afternoon with Many Hats. She and I went shopping for her birthday present. Her birthday was June 17 so it is high time. She got a cute outfit and she looks great. She is growing up and those green eyes are going to drive someone wild someday.

The big guy has a cold and he is sure it is just like it was when he had pneumonia. He says that everytime he gets a cold. It really isn't fun for me when he gets sick. Even the vet had a cough today it must be germ incubation time. Latin, Mary, the vet and Big Guy, where is going to end and don't say with me.

The cat isn't talking to me since I gave her medicine to her a while ago. She needs some for fur balls too but it may be tomorrow before she reappears. She wasn't at all pleased with the carrier or the exam at the vet's.

Well I am visualizing a cool bath and a short meditation followed by bed.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Monday, July 02, 2007


Spent a relaxing week off work and now I am back. Well I'm determined to see the possibilities as Kevin Costner does. There must be a possibility in this day. One might be entering this in my blog. It was so nice at the campsite because there were no responsibilities other than getting something to eat now and then and walking to the bathrooms when necessary. The first two days were a little different because the G-girls were there. They require a lot of maintenance but they went home and then it was just me and the big guy. We visited my niece and were greatly impressed by her new home. Very large and quite lovely.

After the heat dissipated it was very nice at the site. Hilda enjoyed taking dips in the nearby pond and running up and down the path. The sky was clear save a few cotton clouds and the water reflected blue. I wanted to stay till the end but big guy wanted to go home a day early so we did.

Back home again in Indiana there were flowers to water, a camper to unpack and animals to make peace with. We left the cat and Bernie(dog) at home. (My oldest son checked them daily.) Bernie was happy to see us but the cat had to make sure the door worked. She would mew to go out then mew to come in, this cycle would repeat as often as you wanted to let her in or out and she was so insistent that it seemed a good idea to comply. This only lasted a day or so. Big guy went back to working on the addition to the house behind us. He is near completion except for the front side of the old roof. He is getting it ready for shingles and has someone who will do that portion once he has it prepped.

What is it about work that makes him more interesting? He has more energy when he does manual labor and he seems more positive. I really think it is not good to sit in front of a computer for too long. It makes you stupid and sluggish. That's my diagnosis and I'm sticking to it.

Today I'm back at work and my co-worker Latin Rupunzel is sniffling and coughing. She picked up a summer cold, poor thing. She is very quiet, once in a while I can pry something out of her. Well the possibility there would be to carry on with the peace and quiet of vacation.