Monday, November 05, 2007


Had a good weekend with the grandgirls. Many Hats and Curly spent Saturday nite and Curly spent Sunday. Many Hats went home early. She had shopping to do with the other GM. Curly was insistent that she would be spending the entire day with grandma. So she did. However she wanted to stay longer when I took her home at 5. We had a good time, feeding ducks and picking up pretty leaves, went to a nearby college that has many ducks and a neat pond. We took a long walk and found some hot chocolate after.

Stephanie’s imagination is working well, she said that her mother can fly and when her wings become invisible she floats. She was positive that ducks have diarrhea and that fish peed in the lake. (May be they do.) It is amazing what she can think.

Many Hats has been having grade problems again and her dad is freaking again. He keeps expecting more that she gives. She always takes a grading period to shift gears when she comes back from summer vacation. Cocky’s grades were all that hot either, she started a new school (freshman in high school). It takes time to adjust. But dad and mom want to freak.

Time is passing and I am counting days I think there are about 24 more working days until the end of working for the man. Then I will be working for ME. I plan to have a small party for a few people but none of that whole company s___. There are so many things my house needs before the party.

Started reading THE KITE RUNNER. It is good, wish I could spend the day with it but it will be in bits and drabs. Short week this week with a 5 day weekend. We get the 12th off also.


Sandy said...

Wow! Ducks have diarrhoea and peed in lakes? I didn't know that. i hope many hats' and Cocky's grades will soon please her parents, though they are already good! :D

sweet rose said...

I will tell them what you said. Curly is one funny kid. How are you?

Sandy said...

I am pretty okay, studying hard for the very last paper on next Tuesday, 13th November. After that I will go shopping for a prom dress for my graduation night on 15th November. then I will bud farewell to my secondary school life and get ready to go home, to Beijing! :) Whooo! I am really happy! Going back to Beijing every year is one of those few things that make me happy. what about u?