Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hello again

It has been awhile since I blogged. I was a midwife to my white shephard as you can see by the pups, then I got the flu and then I got a sinus infection. Now I'm recovering. I missed yoga today because for some reason, probably this wierd flu but my left knee hurts. Last week it was the right one.

Puppies are getting cuter, they are in the teddy bear stage. They have their eyes open and everytime they eat their little tummies fill out to look like a teddy. The ears are like flaps and have become bigger, more like a bears. I would like to cover myself with puppies but they aren't housebroke yet.

We are making progress on the office. All the walls and the ceiling are free of old plaster and dry wall. One wall is drywalled and I am waiting on Big Guy to wire it so I can insullate a wall. The NMD can finish drywalling and mudding. I am thinking of what desk to use in there. I want more space so I am losing a desk and replacing it with a tall cabinet. The bath upstairs really looks good. When I feel better I want to paint the ceiling and a small part of the wall.

Funny how I have more time but I am always busy. I don't see how I will get bored there are so many things I want to do. Hope everyone out there is having a good day.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Wednesday Morning

Puppies cry and call for a nipple as I sit in my wicker rocker, toes thawing at the space heater. Save for the pups it is a quiet morning. The sky shows lavender and pink of a sunrise. I have missed those, waking to darkness followed by clouds. Bernie's nails click as he paces the kitchen. He downed the left over stew and is going to the living room to chew his rawhide.

It is so warm and comfortable here I don't want to move but the quiilt awaits. Curly's birthday is friday and I want to be finished by then.

Bernie clicks back into the kitchen peering at me through his overgrown bangs. I am too preoccupied with this, so he wanders back to big easy chair, curling up into a blonde hairy ball. The pups are silent all having found a teat. I can see Hilda sitting up so they have better access, looking entranced by the sensation of nine little mouths sucking.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Busy Hilda

Yesterday was different. In the morning Hilda(white shephard)went out and appeared to be trying to do #2. Nothing happened, her puppies were due the 17 so I wasn't too interested but when she didn't come back in after awhile I went to look for her. She was in her house with a bleating noise. She came when I called and then I saw a small white puppy screaming in the doghouse. I retrieved it and brought it inside with Hilda trying to get it from me. After some changes my husband set up a box in the living room. In the meantime Hilda had 2 puppies on his favorite chair, fortunately it was covered. She later settled into the box. Today, 9 puppies later she is trying to move them to my favorite chair. We have had several discussions, some rather loud, about this but she keeps trying. They are all strong and healthy and vocal. Some even have a very little bark.

More updates to follow and some pictures.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The house that Stan built.

This is the place we keep banging and clanging on. Someday Alice, but for now more banging.


It is a lovely day here in Northeastern Indiana. I have most of my east dining room wall torn out. Then there is the insullation which is now a whopping 32+ a roll. These floods and hurricanes need to stop.

How about that New Hampshire primary. There is hope for this country yet. A woman could get this place on the map yet. I like the way she housecleans, she wants to take out the two oilmen first thing. Okay I am not sure I will vote for her but I admire her spirit and her stupidity. You got to be stupid to run for president. All those meetings and speeches and people you don't know shaking your hand. Either that or you really want to change things. Hope it is the latter in H.C.'s case. We need to get this country away from the cowboys and the oilmen or maybe I'm being redundant.

It feels like nearly every muscle I have is in tension. Maybe a hot shower would help.

Shiyh I am thinking of you.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Gabby Violet

We are blessed or cursed with one of the noisiest cats I have ever met. She was described as vocal by the woman who sold her to me. Vocal she is. Last night it was very warm here, in the 50's and Violet wanted to go out. Normally we try to keep her in at night but she slipped past as we were going out. Big Guy tried to grab her on his way back in but she eluded him. At about 1:00 a.m. I heard her scratching at the deck door in our room. I asked Big Guy to let her in but he mumbled that she could stay out she wanted out so bad. I let it go and went back to sleep only to be awakened by bumps and scratches on the door that were enough to waken me but not enough to make me move until about 2:30 when I let her in. Of course she had to scold me with several loud meows and a tromp or two across the bed before she went off to her pillow in the closet.


Our noisy cat.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Grandma, Aunt C, me and sister.

When Aunt C was young and so were we. Taken at Grandma's house where Uncle P lives now. Weren't we cute?

Losing Aunt C.

Well the office is still intact. Big Guy is more interested in completing the upstairs bath. I can't argue with that but I could be tearing this office up if the computers were moved. Well things always work out in their own time. He is doing a good job on the bathroom.

I am getting accustomed to staying home, well that isn't true entirely. It seems there are many reasons for me to get out of the house but with winter you tend to feel snowbound. Snow has disappeared this weekend and this morning it was 59 degrees when I got up. Now that is more like it. It won't last but I will enjoy while it is here.

When I first began this retirement thing I was afraid. Anything new tends to strike fear in me. Would I have enough money, would I get bored, would I be sorry I left my job? Well pish and tosh. I don't have enough money but when does anyone? At least among the working class. I like being bored from time to time and there is always somewhere to run off to and something to do. Today I must run by work to pick up a few things and I am sure I will remember why I am not sorry I left my job.

While I am retired I think I will devise a way for people to be employed without feeling they are being run around by the nose. Wouldn't that make sense? To share in the profits of a business when it did well and to scrimp along when things were bad, in other words to have an ownership of the place. I know some places claim to do this but I wonder if they really do. Well that can wait for another day.

As I age I have more reasons for grief, loved ones dying, losing people I worked with at least no longer seeing them daily. The sagging and wrinkling my body does that even a diet wouldn't change. (No wonder old people let theirselves get lumpy.) My aunt, who was more like my mom than mom is slowly dying. She is almost 95. Her body has withered to a scarecrow and her strength is waning with each day. Each time I see her I wonder why, why does she have to stay here? Why can't she go to the other place and have all the things that are missing here, like peace and contentment and faith unflinching. She has plenty of love, we all do love her. But with her dementia she has become more a child and not the woman who cared and listened. How I miss that woman. She never gave much advice except to point out what was right and what wasn't. I could sit and complain or worry with her and she listened and I saw an answer. You got to miss someone like that.

Now she just lies there waiting and sleeping. Sometimes she yells at the person changing her clothes for the liberties they are taking and she even tries to clobber them for their total lack of decency. Now the words are hard to get because she doesn't wear teeth much and she is weak. I keep asking God why must she go on and on. The only answer I have is to watch and see what there is to learn from her.

There have been lessons. Like the day I was walking her in her chair and thought how this poor woman still drew me to her even though she had long stopped making sense. How her wrinkled appearance repelled my youngest granddaughter. And yet I seldom saw it except with photos. To me she was that loving 50 year old aunt who helped me when I asked. How could I not love her. And I realized what love is. Only seeing a person's soul, not their body. I don't visit her out of duty but out of love and the need to grieve my loss of her. I pray that she may soon see the Jesus she has always loved.

Hope I haven't become too morose but this has helped me. Thanks for reading.