Sunday, August 30, 2009

Remebering Ted Kennedy

My friend from Fla was here yesterday, with her husband. It was good to see them even if they didn't eat much pizza. My other friend who lives here also came to see Jeannette again. We all used to do hair together many years ago. None of us do hair now except for friends and relaltives. It was nice talking with them again.

Today at breakfast I was struck by something, endings. How some are pleasant and some are sad. When your headache ends it is pleasant, when a relationship ends it isn't. How some things end without notice, like the life of a bug or the end of the day. The end of the day can also be spectacular, like the sunset over Silver Lake. How the end of a child's life can bring intense misery and the end of a rainy spell happiness.

Maybe this had to do with the end of life for Ted Kennedy. He was a better man than I knew. The fact that his young nieces and nephew's and grandchildren lingered at his gravesite proved that. To have one's life end and so many people share the goodness accomplished in your life must be gratifying. I'm sure he was there too. To live to help others is truly a calling. It makes me realize I could be doing more. The reading today talked about not just preaching about religion but living it and doing it. That is what Ted tried to do. That is what all of us should try to do.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

At odds

Well I could write about my short trip to Ohio but I really don't feel like it. I have been waiting for my son to regain sanity and it is going to be a long wait I'm afraid. There is nothing worse that a conservative redneck who thinks he's right. You just can't get through the thickness of his skull. So I must wait. He allowed me a visit with my granddaughters last week and I could visit again but I would have to see him again. Right now that isn't a priority. May be down the road a ways. When he needs me he will soften.

Big Guy has added a room on the garage. It is my potting shed/craft room. It will also store wood pellets for the pellet stove. It has much window light and a work table along 2 walls. The upstairs will also be nice when he finishes. He says it will be a space. Not sure what that means but I'm sure it will have a deck. It will be a nice place to hide out in when I need quiet. I think the upstairs will be for the dogs too. It will make a nice shelter in the winter.

Big Guy's grandson went home today. His dad picked him up. He's a good kid and was very helpful during his time here. He said he wants to come back next summer. He pointed out that he could come anytime since his grandpa will be retired. I won't be long, the 1st of October. The guest room/computer room will be the next project. He has to finish wiring the garage/potting shed too.

I will think nice thoughts about my son tonight.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Silent Noise

I hope I make it through this month. There so many things I can think of to do but normally they would be put on a shelf for later or never thought of at all. This month I try to do as many as I think of and that is tiring. Right now I am painting the porch floor and cleaning everything I see. I hope this passes soon, I'm tired.

I wrote this recently:

Silent Noise

Bird chatter, cars whizzing
No human sounds
No animal sounds
Noise in the silence
Miss Gato appears at the screen door
Softly she approaches
Then disappears.
Somewhere in the yard
Crickets chirp
Adding to the silent cacophony.
Rain barely falls
Upon the silent noise
I wonder as we go about our lives
Are we all making silent noise?

Sweet Rose

Monday, August 10, 2009

skinny gretchen sleeping


This is my crazy month and I have been enjoying it. When it first started I was a bit apprehensive but since then I have come to welcome it. I get more done and am more creative in this month. August is like a precurser of what is coming. The spiders rally to build more webs. The wind is active in bringing in change. It is cloaked in a soft moisture that is so seductive. Rushing through the leaves it mimics the ocean's waves. Days are warm and lazy. I could sit all day save for my monkey mind that insists I do this or that.

Now that my granddaughters are returning to school I have more time for me, not that they were here that much this year. Now their father is saying I must stay away,(he's going through a spell) I really miss them. But I have my dogs. Charly is such a lover. He wants to nuzzle me and lick my face. Gretchen is more autistic, she allows one pet then prances off. She is so thin, she eats but she runs all the time. And Hilda the dear old thing. She is only 7 and is old according to the dog food bags. She has been exercising more(daily morning runs) and eating less and has dropped much of her puppy fat. I swear she reads my mind. I drive Hilda and Charly or gretchen(they take turns) to the park each weekday morning. It must be fun seeing my little Honda Civic coming at you with Hilda sticking her head out of the passenger window and Charly out the driver's side. People probably wonder who is driving.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Cowboy neighbor


Well this will probably turn into a rant but what the hell. My sons are grown but they haven't matured yet and lately they are dredging up stuff from their teen years. Of course it is my fault that this stuff happened. At least they think so. I want new sons. Can I take these back and exchange them for some functional ones?

Well I have started a new afghan for this winter. It will be for my room and my bed. No one else. My sister said I need to take care of myself right now, and she couldn't be more right. It will be a very lovely warm pale yellow afghan. The color should brighten my day.

My ankle is better. I finnaly gave in and saw my doctor. He agreed that I have a sprain and have had for the past 6 wks. He gave me a prescription for something that makes it feel much better and has reduced the swelling. I can walk on it without much discomfort now. I am pleased.