Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Well this will probably turn into a rant but what the hell. My sons are grown but they haven't matured yet and lately they are dredging up stuff from their teen years. Of course it is my fault that this stuff happened. At least they think so. I want new sons. Can I take these back and exchange them for some functional ones?

Well I have started a new afghan for this winter. It will be for my room and my bed. No one else. My sister said I need to take care of myself right now, and she couldn't be more right. It will be a very lovely warm pale yellow afghan. The color should brighten my day.

My ankle is better. I finnaly gave in and saw my doctor. He agreed that I have a sprain and have had for the past 6 wks. He gave me a prescription for something that makes it feel much better and has reduced the swelling. I can walk on it without much discomfort now. I am pleased.


Sandy said...

Oh my im so sorry to hear that ms Rose!!! I hope your sons will understand what u realy meant, and all misunderstanding can be resolved as soon as possible!

they are your sons afterall, and I'm sure you love them with allur heart! (:

sweet rose said...

thanks shiyi you are so right.