Sunday, August 30, 2009

Remebering Ted Kennedy

My friend from Fla was here yesterday, with her husband. It was good to see them even if they didn't eat much pizza. My other friend who lives here also came to see Jeannette again. We all used to do hair together many years ago. None of us do hair now except for friends and relaltives. It was nice talking with them again.

Today at breakfast I was struck by something, endings. How some are pleasant and some are sad. When your headache ends it is pleasant, when a relationship ends it isn't. How some things end without notice, like the life of a bug or the end of the day. The end of the day can also be spectacular, like the sunset over Silver Lake. How the end of a child's life can bring intense misery and the end of a rainy spell happiness.

Maybe this had to do with the end of life for Ted Kennedy. He was a better man than I knew. The fact that his young nieces and nephew's and grandchildren lingered at his gravesite proved that. To have one's life end and so many people share the goodness accomplished in your life must be gratifying. I'm sure he was there too. To live to help others is truly a calling. It makes me realize I could be doing more. The reading today talked about not just preaching about religion but living it and doing it. That is what Ted tried to do. That is what all of us should try to do.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

that's a very heart felt entry Ms Rose.I believe, as someone has passed away,not only his spirit never dies, he leaves us priceless lessons and realisations we ourselves may not have come across. This is inspiring, for the future generations and for readers like you and me. :)