Thursday, June 08, 2006

The spirit meditates

This week I attempted to escape my farmer work or your worth nothing background. It isn't easy. I attended a meditation class. The class was 90 minutes long. We were encouraged to choose a chair or cushions on the floor. I being a smart yogi showoff brought my own pillows and sat lotus fashion on them. After about 50 minutes of the pillows and constantly shifting position my butt was screeching, "enough already. " I decided to continue sitting and told my butt to relax which it wasn't doing very well. It seemed it like screeching better. After 60 minutes it was saying, "Let's get out of here." Since I couldn't find a way to leave with out disturbing the other participants, who were sitting quietly, I remained seated. Though I did try to think of some way to leave inobtrusively and the only thing I could think of that would work was to disappear in thin air and so far I haven't mastered that trick. My butt was not relaxing so I told it that it could choose between the pillows or the chair. The last ten minutes were the fastest and that chair was the most comfortable I've been in for quite a while. Actually the whole 90 min. went quickly except for the screeching.

The next day I had an awareness about the prior evening. I wasn't good at being in the moment. I can be there when I think about it for about 30 seconds then I have to think about it again because I forget where I am. There was nothing to do but be in the moment on the pillows with my bottom in pain. I could have left or moved to the chair but still I was there in that room and in the stillness. The leader was directing me to focus on my breath and to find the source of my breath. Two simple assignments that are often very difficult to maintain. The source of my breath and my breath are not the most fascinating things to focus on however I am very grateful for both. I am also more aware of the things in life that are going on, like the cotton clouds and the many shades of green in the leaves. Each day has so much to offer if I will only look. The way my white shephard cocks her head and watches me when I say her name. The way my cat shuts up her nagging meow when I stroke her back. Things that could be considered mundane can be of interest if given attention. It is good to be aware.

1 comment:

Java Junkie said...


screetching butt = bad.

I feel your pain :)