Monday, July 16, 2007

Bean Picking

Nice weekend. Curly and Many Hats stayed over Friday night then went with me to my brother's to pick green beans on Saturday morning. Barb, my sister-in-law, took special interest in Curly because she was such a good bean picker. She suggested that Curly stay and pick beans the following week. When we returned to my house and were having lunch, conversation turned to the morning events and I commented on what a good job Curly did and how Barb really liked it. Curly looked at me with a very serious expression and said "Yeah, she wanted to keep me." We also got some kick ass sweet corn that was superdelicious. My brother has a large pond in the center of the spread. Many Hats jumped in and enticed Hilda into the deep. Hilda is a edge swimmer, likes to feel the bottom. She swam out to keep an eye on Many Hats though despite her trepidation. She is a good dog.

Watched a good movie with Big Guy, Saturday night. "The Pursuit of Happyness" with Will and Jadin Smith. It dragged a little but only because I wanted things to improve for them. If you have kids or even if you don't it is a must see.

I heard from Mariluna the last post and I am very happy. No one comments on my blog anymore, Big Guy said it because it is very hard to do since I changed to Google. I wish I had stayed with the original. Does anyone know how I can get a blog that is easier to comment on?


mariluna said...

I don't think staying with google was an option. I don't see any difference at all in leaving comments?? No problems here other than sometimes blogger had trouble with comments in the past. I already had a google account though so maybe it was easier for me to change over.

mariluna said...

Maybe the trouble was that he was trying to leave an anonymous comment due to not having a blogger account? Well if that is the case then I think you can change that setting in your blog set up somewhere to allow it.

sweet rose said...

so that means that people just aren't responding and there is no reason for it.

Sandy said...

hmmm, i guess its got something to do with google. Indeed. I changed mine to blogger beta some months back and now i can only post blog entries using my dad's laptop, which is much more advanced.

I guess u can try other options at blogger? maybe they can help u out. :D
i come to ur blog almost everytime i online, so someone is reading it. hehe.. :D

anyway curly is so cute! From the way she picks beans! haha.. I will try to post some of my pictures in my blog though, next time i shall try. hehe..

take care and happy working! May God bless u and ur family. =)

sweet rose said...

Thanx to Mariluna and Beijing for their suggestions. Nice someone is out there.