Thursday, July 12, 2007

From under the manure pile.

How long are we, the American people, going to sit still for all the bullshit the administration keeps shoveling at us. Yes, yes, I know another tirade is building, building hell it is boiling over. We sit and whimper, whine and groan. When in the hell are we going to get up and do something, anything, even if it's wrong. This president is the worst f--- up ever. And what do we do? We watch him f--- up some more. That is not only criminal it is abusive. The poor guy is like a fly in a spider web. He don't know didley and he wouldn't if he met him. We need to kick him and all his corporate buddies out. People say we would have Nancy Pelosi if he and Cheney resigned and that would be awful. Well, how much worse could she be? Terrible would be an improvement.

Okay, I'm done. I don't feel much better but maybe a little. For a long time I thought I was missing something and Bush was really doing a better job that it appeared. I don't think so anymore. What you see is what you get.


mariluna said...

Hi Rose. I just caught up on your blog and thought I'd let you know I am reading. Hope you don't get sick. Take care, N

sweet rose said...

Thank you it is nice to hear from you.

Sarah Ozcandarli said...

Sweet Rose,

Thanks for your comment. I hope it makes you feel better if you know people are doing something (at last). Last month a total of 4000 people from every state in the good old USA went to Washington to lobby Congress about restoring habeas corpus, outlawing torture and bringing the troops home. We got a list afterwards of the things represeentatives and senators did in response. Some of Congree just won't listen, but others just need to be reminded that we want them to force change. (I think some are still afraid of Karl Rove.)

Your Curly is just beautiful.

sweet rose said...

wonder why that wasn't in the news. could you send a copy of that list? My email is Thanks for the comment about Curly, I think so too.