Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Two more hours actually 1 hour and 56 minutes until I go home. This has been a long and boring day. It may rain tonight and I would really like that. If it rained when we needed it we wouldn't appreciate it near as much. I have joined NetFlix today and am waiting for the first movie to arrive. I really am tired of the movies on HBO, I've seen most of them many times. This looks like it will work out but I have a two week trial to find out.

Big Guy has a bad upper respiratory infection or broncitis. He sounds awful in the middle of the night trying to cough, hope it is looser tonight. I may sleep on the couch where it is quieter. Cocky and my oldest have colds now too. It is becoming an epidemic.

I have cleaned and rearranged the front porch, we have many, I think I will do a week where we eat in a different porch or eating area every night and see how many nights we come up with. There is the front porch, the back porch, the picnic table, the gazebo, the dining room and the kitchen. That would almost take a week. Wow a whole week not eating dinner in front of the TV. What a concept! But back to cleaning the front porch. After rearranging it I find there is more room and it is quite cozy. In the evening I like sitting out there because I can't hear the TV. It is quiet except for the circada and the traffic. The light is low and coolness is returning. A candle would be nice, I will get one. Hilda joins me when she can or Violet(cat).

Well I am already planning a vacation for next year, two actually. I want to go to Florida to see my old friend again and back to Quachita State Park in Hot Springs. I think if the g-girls can pay for their tickets we will fly to Fla. Big guy and I will drive to Ark. That should be all I can afford, but it gives me something to look forward too. Looking forward keeps it interesting.


Sarah Ozcandarli said...

Netfix! I predict you are gonna love Netflix. I've had it for four years and don't understand how I got through life without it. The mail is so much more interesting when there's a DVD in it. That you can keep as long as you want to. In the first couple of years I saw every movie I had ever wondered about. Some I didn't like but at least my curiousity was satisfied. I saw every movie I had missed in the theaters. I saw every movie I was too young for at the time. I got to see TV shows I missed - ER, Frasier, Scrubs, Friends. I was sick for about three months one winter, and I wouldn't have been able to stay quiet without those DVDs. Enjoy!

sweet rose said...

I love it already. The movies are so much what I want to see because I took the survey. I really like your blog too.