Thursday, May 11, 2006

Spirit of a Butterfly

New kitchen

As a sociology major I have a big interest in people preferably the ones in groups. This blog thing is very big groups. Just got a reply from someone in Russia. This group could get huge.

On a smaller group level, I just entertained 4 of my coworkers in my new kitchen. We started demolition and construction on the kitchen in November of 05. I boxed up all the dishes and utensils except for a bare minimum. The cupboards came down as well as one wall. The new walls went up. If someone tells you they want you to move out while they gut your kitchen, listen to them. No one said that to me, so we just lived with it. It was a lot like camping without the fun. You had to dig for everything you needed or you just said f__ it and did without. After a month in the new kitchen I am still sitting down in it with awe. I have a new kitchen with a dishwasher. First one for this house. I know where everything is and it ain't in the bottom of a box. I am baking breads and pies and entertaining. It is superb. Hear that big guy? Big guy put it together for me and I helped. We are a good team.

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