Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Spirit of a Butterfly

No rain today. It has rained for a week. My husband told me he was impressed with Bush's speech last night. That is a landmark. It may be the first speech that impressed him. This immigration thing is so ridiculous. All these fat cats deciding how some poor (5.00 an hr.) Mexican should have stayed starving in Mexico until he could amass 2,000.00 + to buy papers to get into this country. Like that's going to happen. If things were so good where he was why did he risk everything to come here. They aren't criminals they are looking for the same thing most immigrants are looking for, a better life. Leave them alone. Theyare hardworking people. I see them everyday at my job. They care about their families. They are more interested in school activities than a lot of their American counterparts. Maybe if some of our senators and congressmen could get off their soapboxes and mingle they would get it.

1 comment:

Java Junkie said...

Unfortunately I didn't get to see the speech last night but at this point I'd be hard pressed to find anything about Bush that I like.

As for immigration, I have some pretty controversial opinions about it. We have borders for a reason. We NEED to be able to monitor who is coming in and out of our country. It cannot just be a free-for-all. That's unsafe in just SO many ways. As for the illegal immigrants who are already here, there needs to be some process that will allow these people to become full U.S. citizens BUT with some sort of penalty for entering the country illegally. I'm not saying ship them home or put them in jail. But we can't just give them cart blanche, either, simply because they "had a good reason" to want to immigrate here.

As far as $2,000 "for papers" - I'm not certain where you got this number. I've been surfing for the last 20 minutes and cannot find that number anywhere to legally apply for citizenship. The application fee stated in the USCIS current prices of naturalization fees is a total of $390. Many illegal immigrants are paying many times more than that to runners to get them here. I think the biggest obstacle for coming into this country legally is the time involved and having a functioning knowledge of the English language. I'm sure there are many things our country could do to speed the process - I mean look how long it takes just to get through the DMV. But I don't think requiring a functioning knowledge of the country's official language is asking too much and NO immigrant just up and thinks one day "I'm going to move to America today!" I am willing to bet it takes awhile to decide to leave one's home country.

And the argument that they're here doing jobs that "Americans" wouldn't want to do is bologna - it's justification used by the slavers that exploit these poor people. They're doing jobs that "Americans" wouldn't want to do for less than minimum wage because they have no other choice as an illegal immigrant. The minute these people become US citizens then their employers would have the legal responsibility to pay them at LEAST minimum wage and they would probably lose their job to an immigrant that's still illegal. Furthermore, they would then have the opportunity and right and freedom to look for fair paying jobs. Maybe not all would do so but many would.

No, many/most of these illegal immigrants are not "criminals" in that they're here to break laws. But the fact that they broke the primary, the FIRST law of this country to be here cannot just be tossed out. Give them an opportunity to become citizens but charge them a fine for entering our country illegally, or something similar.

Just my opinion, sorry the comment is so lengthy.