Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Where do I begin?

Yesterday I said I didn't think I could have a blog. what was interesting about me, my life? Then I realized most blogs aren't that interesting and all they are is about people being real. I can do that, be real. Sometimes too real. So here goes. I'm old just cleared 63. I'm a farm native who escaped when I was young. I married twice and have two boys, 3 granddaughters, and 5 grandsons and 1 granddaughter with my husband's kids. We live in a house that grew up. Sometime I'll put in a picture. we have 3 dogs and one cat. I love to garden and camp. We have a 72 LandYacht Airstream and use it when we have time. I also like to write poetry. My current husband is a great guy who loves to remodel. I think he does it for therapy. Right now I'm thinking I could erase all this and never write another thing on this blog and I would be safe. No one would know anything about me. But I never have been safe and I'll send this and rue the day later.

I work in the non profit sector helping low income families. I like the people I work with and I also am looking forward to retirement. I want to travel and write. There will be more to follow but right now I need to rest. Being old you know.


mariluna said...

word travels fast...

Table4Five said...

HI Rose!! Welcome to the blog world!

Yuri said...

Nice photos!


Hello Ma'am
Welcome to bloggers world.
I started using internet in year 1998 and belive me since then I never felt that world is far from me.I meet new and wonderful people and now flickr and has changed my life.
Read your blog carefully today and felt good that I met some social worker also.At the age of 60+ you are doing wonderful job.In India avaerge age of person is 60 to 70 and people start feeling old at that stage.But I beleive a person never gets old until he or she himself or herself choose to titled as old.One should feel young at heart and he will be young forever.
Yoga or Yog in my language is one of the best medicine which keeps one young.Sages used to do practise yoga and lived for 1000 years.

Thanks for the convern about my boil.I am feeling better now.

Best of the regards
Nitin Badhwar
This is my website dedicated to my city where I live.Hope U wll like it.