Wednesday, April 11, 2007


It is snowing again!!! It is like the weather has a snow addiction. It just needs to think about warm sunny days with soft caressing breezes. I am on vacation this week and there is no need for this snow. It probably knows I'm on vacation. Today I am having lunch with an old friend. That will be nice. He and I haven't talked for some time so we can catch up. Tomorrow my sister may be coming for lunch and Friday Curly may spend the night so there are things to look forward to despite the snow.

Read an article about the effects of meditation on the mind and physical body. You can actually control how you think with many years of meditation or maybe not that many if you practice faithfully. I am not that faithful. The more I read the more I am considering giving it more time. It is calming and gives me more quiet throughout my day. I was made aware of that recently. Someone was obsessing about something she couldn't effect and I found myself thinking how silly that was when in the past I would have done the same thing.

Life goes on and we learn a little more each day if we are aware. Awareness is the key. We can live like sleepwalkers or we can wake up and see what is there. Recently I had a talk with my 14 year old grandgirl about perception. She was avoiding an unpleasant confrontation and I was telling her that much of her apprehension was due to her perception of the situation. It involved something that would evolve as time went by and there was no way to know how things would turn out but she was sure it would work out the way she visualized it. I asked her if the way she saw things was really the way they were and reminded her that I could see the same thing in quite a different manner. Did that make my way right and her way wrong or was it simply how each of us saw it? Were either of us really aware of reality or only our conception of it. She was able to have less of a deathgrip on the future and take a different tack with the situation, for which I was grateful. We spend so much of our lives avoiding our misguided outcomes when we have no reality to base them on. In the process we miss opening up to the wonder of awareness.

Well dude I'm getting far to heavy but what you gonna do on a snow day?

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