Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ramblings from Houston

Well on the way to Memphis we saw about 5 cars and trucks and a boat trailer and pickup that were involved in a major ouchie. Looked like everyone was still alive but the vehicles would need the dents worked out. The second day we made Houston and were welcomed into my sister’s lovely home by her charming husband. They both seemed happy we were there and have managed to keep up this appearance so far. But I am sure like all visitors a sigh will emit when we drive out the driveway.

Alice still has a very sharp wit despite the damage MS has done to her body. She still laughs when you poke fun at her and she can still speak but with a very soft voice. We watched Happy Feet last night and she really enjoyed it. So did we. Yesterday was crawfish day. When we come my brother-in-law always gets crawfish and other seafood and we have a party. We got shrimp, mussels and sweet corn and along with steamed small potatoes, had a great meal. Oh yeah there was beer, apple pie and ice cream too. Not together but you get the idea.

Went out to get the water drained from the cooler which was in the trunk and when I closed the lid realized that the car was locked and the keys weren’t in my pocket. After some reflection, I could see them in the trunk. I had laid them down while moving the cooler and hadn’t picked them up. So after a call to my insurance agent and Pop a Lock we are back in business. My granddaughters just shook their heads and said something about the old folks home, but what do they know they don’t even drive yet. Meditation must be helping because I barely cussed when I realized what had happened.

Had an important aha this a.m. I was taking a walk thinking about my sister and how much trouble there is and then this squirrel ran in front of me and I swear he had a bubble above his head like in the funny papers that said, “Be here now.” Sure glad I saw him because that was where I went to, right here, right now. The rest of the morning was quite an improvement. Well onward and upward we are going on a tour of Houston or as close as we care to get.

1 comment:

sweet rose said...

Yeah I can see you now. Standing there reading the caption going "Wow". Miss you too.